Undisclosed mental hospital

Public Enemy: Madness

For my dad I am nearing the age of my grandmother when she descended into madness. When her husband took off and she found herself solo raising three boys—too ill …

Decorative image

Public Enemy: Meth

For my niece, Mariah, and her mother She dug those bugs out of her skin, crawling over her face, her neck, her chest, all the way down to her thighs. …

close up of MRSA

Public Enemy: MRSA

For Peter Kjolsrud (February 29, 2000-September 16, 2010) and Tovah Kjolsrud, who lost him After the infection ravished his body, I curled myself around him in the hospital bed. I …

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Old Ask a Poet Column

I hate living in Los Angeles, but I’ve been told that my film career will be best nurtured here. Another place calls me home, where I might suffer for my …

What to Expect

The only response  to a child’s grave is  to lie down before it and play dead.                                     —Bill Knott Black boys getting shot in Harlem—that’s certain, waiting like a germ between …

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Ask a Poet

What do you tell parents of would-be poets who worry about their children’s ability to make a living writing sonnets?— Your father, Sierra Vista, ArizonaP.S. Do you want me to …

The Poet and The Angle by Pedro Ribeiro Simões

The Impracticality of Poets

I identify myself as a poet because I can’t do anything else. Really, I’ve tried. My journey to find a marketable skill took me all the way to Uzbekistan with …

grocery shopping cart

CRT and the Buffalo Murders

The other day a relative of mine who lives in another city saw a woman outside the local school district office holding a sign saying, “No CRT.” My relative considered …