Public Enemy: Madness

For my dad

I am nearing the age of my grandmother

when she descended into madness.

When her husband took off and she found

herself solo raising three boys—too ill to work,

too poor, wasting her funds on shiny pinwheels

that reflected her face, spinning around and around

when she blew. I am nearing her age.

When my dad realized that his mother was not fit

to mother, surviving on ketchup soup,

hawking the pile of newspapers from the dime bin

on the streets of L.A. I am nearing her age.

When he and his brothers were sent

to disparate foster homes, his mother locked

in the asylum. When the techs ravished her beautiful

body and the meds ravished her beautiful

mind. When the nimbus swallowed the placid blue,

obliterating the sun. Lace her up, zip her in—

keep together what is always becoming undone.

Published by Blood and Thunder, Summer 2023