old peace corps logo reading "The absence of war is not peace"

Volunteer Archive

Originally published by Black Heart Magazine: https://blackheartmagazine.com/2016/01/03/2-poems-by-kristen-hoggatt-abader/ Volunteer ArchiveThe Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Archive, JFK Library, Boston File 20, 1965, Tucsonsends Dan off to Iranwith a farewell parade.Flags alightin the …

skeleton of unknown animal

Anniversary of My Death

Originally published by JONAH Magazine: https://jonahmagazine.com/tag/kristen-hoggatt-abader/ Anniversary of My Death Revere Beach, Massachusetts Firm to foam to the water lapping Thank you on this beach,to the storm that won’t die,to …

Logo for the Smart Set

Ask a Poet

https://www.thesmartset.com/article11090901/ One of my old columns published by The Smart Set: Only poets read contemporary poetry books, and only poets go to poetry readings. If I become a poet, will …

close up of purple daisies

Mother’s Don’t Have It Easy

Here’s my most recent column published by the Arizona Daily Star: https://tucson.com/opinion/local/local-opinion-mothers-day/article_8dde37d6-bb59-11ec-a71a-af9ecd0a4e0d.html It took me a while to realize how much I love my mother. Probably not unlike many, our …

Vocabulary Lessons

Lesson 1—“Stress” “What’s the meaning, haboob,in English?” “Haboob?‘Dust storm.’” “This ‘dust storm’ on your facefor two month.” “Oh, you mean‘pimple.’ “Haboobcan also mean ‘pimple.’” “This ‘bimbel’ in your facefor two month.” …

Congrats, Class of 2020

On May 25, 1998, this paper printed a story entitled “Two Sierra Vista students die, a third hurt in I-10 rollover.” I was that third student. After spending a month …


for Gabrielle Giffords Of the five beds in the ICUthe only thing movingwas the damaged brain . I was of two brainswasn’t I?One of them was indisposedI rose to the …

Defining a ‘Karen’ and a ‘Ken’

https://tucson.com/opinion/local/tucson-opinion-defining-a-karen-and-ken/article_670deea4-d83c-11eb-8d0f-73c6af3ac589.html The other day, when I was trying to get my son to take his dish to the sink, he replied, “OK, Karen.” Such remarks have been common in my …

On the Great Silk Road

“The angels out there,/ what are they?” Stephen Dunn, “Between Angels” One of the few Peace Corps pamphlets I ever read came to my home in Arizona about three weeks …